♥ watching the flashbacks intertwine


& D aftermath of CTs.

the(D) aftermath of common tests?

1) DAYS of baby-sitting.
4days with the eilzahs then,
3days with syabil. =)
great time!

2) DISTORTED biological clock.
its freaking 0330hrs,
and i cant sleep.
watched SUPERCROSS and SWAT,
with lil brother in my bedroom
while lil sister's away for camp.
and only slept at 4plus yesterday.
this has been ongoing for days.

3) DEKNA's dislocated thumb.
im sooooooo darn proud
of my lil sister.
im just fucking excited for her.
she dont get it.
but its really cool,
to go through such deals now.
the sad thing,
she wont be able to compete
for her upcoming comp. =/
i feel her man.

4) DEEDS, im watching mr deeds now.
cos i cant fucking sleep.

its my very own
tested and proven theory.
people by the name of dominic-s,
are believed to be good-looking.

this is my conclusion of
"D" aftermath
of my common tests.

(notice all starts with the letter D.)

03:46 - Sunday, Jun. 17, 2007


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