♥ watching the flashbacks intertwine


& it was a blast.

previous weekend
and last week
was a blast!

the wedding was grand.
with the presence of
datuks and datins.
my KL nieces and nephews
are so grown up now.
especially the twins.
and najwa who kept,
jumping on me for rides.
oh well,
they better come over spore
for raya this year!

challengers was different.
my exco's rock. =D
alot of lancelots came! :D
raj booked in with me.
rest of my crew only came
at night, hurhur.
we were the campfire MCs.
imagine that!

took a hell lot of
pictures and videos.

now busy with fyp.
keep me sane, dear god.

01:02 - Monday, Sept. 03, 2007


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